Here you can download the full image.
It's available in two different packages, please think which one you want/need before downloading
- the number of downloads per day is limited.
- the number of downloads per day is limited.
Webpage as ZIP:
This is similar to the webpage, i.e. a HTML page showing the whole earth and linking to many small tiles in full resolution.
Download this if you just want to look at the map, just like on the webpage, but without being online.
Continue to download page: (30 MB)
Map as JPEG:
This is the complete 43200x21600 pixel sized map in one jpg image. Use this if you want to edit the map.
It's nearly identical to the original files from VisibleEarth, just the western and eastern part of the world combined and converted to one JPG and thus much smaller (and with typically unnoticeable JPG-artifacts).
Continue to download page: world_shaded_43k.jpg (53 MB)